lvl 1 184 Barkly st

St Kilda, VIC 3182


Opening hours

  • Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm

Our People – Melbourne

Our People

Activ8 IT employs a highly experienced team of Application, Business and Technology Consultants. Activ8 IT team members typically have 10 or more years direct PeopleSoft experience. Our Consultants are often from business backgrounds, and have a very good understanding of business processes and requirements. Activ8 IT specifically has no trainees, or junior consultants learning their trade.

Activ8 IT supplements its own team with a group of Associate Consultants, often with relationships dating back over 10 years, and with whom it has worked on many previous projects. The periodic use of such resources allows Activ8 IT to meet specific peaks of activity or specialist assignments, whilst maintaining the very highest quality of resources.

Activ8 IT's management team consists of Directors Dameon Williamson and Sandro Albertin, who have been together at Activ8 IT and JDS since 2003. Both Dameon and Sandro are actively engaged as PeopleSoft consultants on client sites as much as possible to maintain their hands-on technical expertise.

IT Consulting Services Melbourne

We make sure the job is done right